Panel: The Future of Work is Now

When I first started Metro Dietetics, I simply wanted to help people become the healthiest, happiest versions of themselves.

Having done a stint in a large metropolitan hospital, I discovered very quickly that I needed to do more than prescribe supplements and hand out scripted info-sheets that were, in the grand scheme of things, not making a huge difference to their wellbeing.

I hated walking into wards and identifying patients purely by what ward they were on, their room number and their bed number. I hated that we were given a short few days (sometimes a short few hours!) to make a lifelong difference to that person’s health.

Above all, I hated that I couldn’t help people prevent the illnesses that landed them in hospital in the first place, despite having all the resources and knowledge to be able to do so.

Starting Metro Dietetics was my way of making a real difference.

Now, 10 years later, my philosophy has not changed. We continue to apply bleeding-edge science to help our clients understand the right way to improve their physical and mental health symptoms, and go from being exhausted and overwhelmed with burn out, to achieving a state of energy peak performance.

Having followed Australian Dietary Guidelines and seeing my clients getting worse, not better, I started to investigate more of the science behind the guidelines – rather than just blindly following them.

So I built a practice based on the actual science – reading a ton of papers and following the outcomes and recommendations of ethical and well trusted sources. Our clients now get the advice and guidance of actual science, not just approved “guidelines” that in many cases are harmful.

Now, I run a thriving business that does not rely on Medicare or Health Funds. This frees me to follow the research and allow the actual science to guide everything I do — without fearing the ramifications of what might happen if the DAA were to strip my accreditation.

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