Kerry Anne Nelson is the oldest of five children, born in Brisbane, Australia in 1975. After graduating at the top of her Primary Education degree with first class honours, Kerry Anne has taught students of all ages across private and public school sectors. 

Kerry Anne's work in primary classrooms launched her into further work across secondary and tertiary settings. Here she supported teenage students through their high school years, and then adult students as they prepared for their own teaching careers. In all of her work, Kerry Anne takes pride in providing dynamic educational experiences that place the needs of each unique student at the centre of the learning environment. 

Kerry Anne's sensitivity to the complex needs of diverse learners informed her work in special education for behaviour, where she supported the social and academic needs of students who struggle to manage their behaviour at school. Kerry Anne's exceptional aptitude and strategic insight in the classroom opened opportunities for her to further expand her influence in the special behaviour field. Her expertise in working with at risk-students was picked up by the NSW government initiative, 'Local Schools as Centres of Expertise', where Kerry Anne was appointed to develop the Behaviour School Transition Program. This program formalised a clear, strategic system for all stakeholders to work together to help students navigate the uncertainties of journeying between their home school and special education setting.

Kerry Anne Nelson is a born educator who has a strong sense of social justice and a passion for empowerment. These combine with Kerry Anne's natural warmth and enthusiasm to set her apart in the field of education. 


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